Saturday, 27 July 2024 - 6.46 am

Your Football Club Needs a New Generation of Volunteers – Please Get Involved!

As you know, Worplesdon Rangers FC celebrated its 15th anniversary earlier in the year and as 2016 draws to a close, it’s perhaps timely to reflect for a minute on all the hard work that has gone into getting us this far.

As a grass-roots football club operating in the heart of Worplesdon, Stoughton and Guildford, we are totally reliant on our volunteers to keep things running.  Each week, over 250 children are able to engage in their favourite sport, thanks to a small army of parents who choose to get involved in coaching, managing a team, running the line or simply collecting in the match subs on Sundays.  We thank you all for your continued support and dedication.

The Club has also been fortunate over the years to have had additional volunteers working on the WRFC Management Committee.  It is the Committee that works hard behind the scenes and away from the pitch to provide the direction for our Club, secures the necessary pitch and training facilities and makes sure that Worplesdon Rangers FC is the Club of choice when it comes to our young players and their families.

At the mid-way point in the season, the Management Committee is facing a significant succession challenge, ahead of the Club’s AGM in June 2017.

Several factors have combined to produce this ‘perfect storm’:

  • A number of planned resignations involving our Committee Members, who have indicated that they wish to step down at the end of the season, having completed three seasons in the role
  • The untimely resignation of Peter Horncastle, this season’s past Chairman, on health grounds
  • The continued growth of the Club, with membership increasing on average by 10-12% per annum.


If we cannot attract a new generation of Committee volunteers, the Club will simply not be able to continue functioning.  As a minimum, it is imperative that we source a new Chairman, Treasurer, and Club Secretary before the end of the current season.  Failure to do so will mean that we are prevented from affiliating with either Surrey FA or any of the Leagues that we play in.  To put it bluntly, the Club will not be able to continue.

We would welcome hearing from anyone who would be interested in helping take the Club on the next phase of its journey and currently have the following vacancies:

Chairman – with immediate effect.  For further details, please contact the Deputy Chairman, Brian Slyfield for an informal discussion about the role, on 07740 623966

Treasurer – with immediate effect.  For further details, please click here.

Secretary – with effect from June 2017.  For further details, please click here

Membership Secretary – with effect from June 2017.  For further details, please click here

Tuck Shop Assistant, Northmead School (Saturday mornings, 10.00-11.30 during the playing season) – with immediate effect.  For further details, please contact Clare Jones, Club Secretary, on 07941 751243.

Please don’t read and ignore this post.  If you can help the Club by volunteering directly, or by sharing the post with someone else who might be interested in volunteering, we would be very grateful.

A Happy New Year to all our Members – let’s see if we can now get the foundations in place to develop our Club for the next fifteen years!

Worplesdon Rangers FC
Management Committee


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