Saturday, 27 July 2024 - 5.43 am

New Goalie Needed

The U16s Need A Goalie!

U16s Need Help

U16s Are Looking For A New GoalKeeper.


New Goalie Needed

The club needs your help. The U16s are in desperate need of a Goalkeeper. Please can you ask around your friends / families / school / the pub, if there are any U16s who are goalies without a team. We would love them to come and join us.


Unlike our younger teams where the goalie position is cycled around all the players, the older teams need to have a fixed position. The Goalkeeper for this team would be the most loved Goalie in the world, as none of the other boys want to play in goal.


Please repost this on your Facebook and Twitter feeds, as the team is desperate for a new goalie. Please make Jim and Paul two very happy coaches and find them a goalie. They haven’t shaved in months due to the stress!! Jim’s beard has gone grey!

If you need to know where they train etc, here is some extra info from Jim Biss the Coach of the U16s:

Our training is 6-7pm, Wednesdays at Surrey Sports Park and we play on Sundays in the Championship Division of the SPL. Any goalkeeper would automatically be the most popular player on the team – at the moment we’re having to rotate amongst a group of very unwilling outfield players!

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