Friday, 3 May 2024 - 11.03 am

Northmead revitalised by Groom family

The playing fields at Northmead have always been the focal point of Worplesdon Rangers FC. It’s where most of our development football training takes place with Reception, U6, U7, U8 and U9 all currently there on a Saturday morning and the U9s playing their matches there on a Sunday as well.

This year though, it looks a lot smarter! The tuck shop has been taken to a new level by Katie Groom and her army of helpers with new outside space, much better presentation, wider variety of stock, including at least 4 different types of coffee!

Katie is giving up her time as she works towards her DofE and it’s going really well. Profit so far for the season already eclipses the entire 2018/19 season! There’s been a lot of help of course, from Mum being dragged to cash and carry outlets, to Dad sorting out gazebos and Izzy helping every step of the way. Not to mention everyone else they seem to draft in. I don’t know everyone (so apologies to those I’ve missed) but a shout out as well to Toby, Jayden, Jennifer, Freya and little Alice.

Beware of sleep overs at the Groom house on a Friday night – you’ll very likely be dragged along to help on a Saturday morning!

Team Groom!

It’s great to see the tuck shop back at Northmead; the new set-up looks amazing. The tuck shop provides a real focal point for children and parents alike, and it’s really helping to bring back the sense of community to our mini-soccer home. 

Congratulations, and a big thanks, to the Groom family.

Andi Scanlan, Chairman, WRFC

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